Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Wireframe Testing and Refinement

Wireframe Feedback:

Updated Wireframes:

List of Key Tasks:

1) Find a way to create an account 
2) Personalize your preferences and account 
3) Search for an event that you are interested in
4) Review your options and sign up for an event


1) Renee: 51 yrs old, stay at home mom
-"How do I know what my options? It takes me straight to an event that I didn't choose"
-Points out that "sign up" button catches her attention.
-Sees that she can search by using different options.
-"Okay, I am going to click the 'sign up' button because it is big and I want to sign up"

2) Anthony: College Student, 19 yrs old, full class schedule and a part-time job
-"Oooh this is interesting. I want to click the 'sign up' button"
-"I'll just fill in my info"
-"That was pretty easy and self-explanatory"

3) Danielle: College Student, 20 yrs old, full class schedule and part-time job
-"What happens when I press these arrows?"
-"How did I get from the search page to this page?"
-"Ooooooooh I get it"
-"Once I figured it out, it actually makes sense"

High Fidelity Wireframes